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What's in a name? The Evangelical Charismatic


  • Letter to the Melburnians looks at what the church could be if we removed tradition and replaced it with something more biblical
  • Mission of the church looks at our overall goal and purpose, covering the Great Commission, the place of good works, the place of signs and wonders, and the extent to which we can expect change before Christ returns
  • The Spirit AND the Word attempts to reconcile a strong belief that God's Holy Spirit is alive and well today giving charismatic gifts and teaching and guiding us, alongside being grounded in biblical objective truth
  • Directionalism provides a better way forward than the extremes of cessationist and presumptionist views, in relation to the exercise of our faith
  • Criticising leaders takes into consideration a mature "don't (hypocritically) judge" as well as the need to, with understanding, rebuke and correct
  • Becoming Christian looks at how to become a Christian, and the issues of the so-called carnal Christian, multiples stages of faith, and whether we can simply pray a quick prayer to enter into eternal life
  • Word of Faith examines the New Age connection of this brand of Pentecostalism, and how we might untangle ourselves from it, while presenting a positive alternative that is more resilient and Christ-glorifying

Charismatic gifts

  • God doesn't move because we do the right thing. Rather he moves for His glory. (Unpacking Psalm 22:3 & 1 Kings 18:36-38 in series "The Spirit AND the Word 1: The problem")
  • Faith must be paired with humility, resulting in openness that God might not do as we ask (Daniel 3), allowance that God's will may override our will (Matthew 26), openness to overlook our desires for God's desires (Acts 14), and acceptance of something less than perfection for a greater purpose (2 Corinthians 12). We should take the attitude about everything of "if it's God's will" (James 4:15). Therefore, naming and claiming is presumption; copying what 'worked' previously is misplaced trust; and we should realise that 'speaking life' (being positive) doesn't change God's will - focus on Jesus and his vision (and honesty). 
  • I'm looking at how suffering and healing go together. Starting off, we have God's two wills: declarative (this will happen) and general (my desire, or my heart) in How the two wills of God help us think about healing.


  • The church is a Body and this means lots of people with different gifts, helping people frustrated in their gifts, uplifting quiet achievers as essential, with multiple up-front leaders. (Unpacking 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 in What if the church believed it was a Body? and the subject of a Book review of Sam Storms' "To Love Mercy: becoming a person of compassion, acceptance & forgiveness")
  • The mission of the church is to be a witness: to Jesus' life (ethics, culture, actions), death (regarding sin, forgiveness and sacrifice), and resurrection (power over sin, death and the devil). The purpose of this is to reveal Jesus in all his glory, though for the moment it is not a triumphalist 100% extent, but nor can we limit this mission to merely saving souls while we pray "your will be done earth as it is in heaven". We act this out in every area of life, being savvy in when we act it. (Unpacking the whole Bible in series Seeking Perfection Imperfectly 8: Conclusion and Summary)
  • What would the church look like if we restarted from the Bible? We might live closer together, pursue holiness and love together, apprentice others, preach and demonstrate the Gospel, deliberately create a Jesus culture, honour women and make it easy to raise kids, worship God out of our hearts, be active peace-makers, note and uphold all the different gifts and abilities of each other, and see culturally diverse people come together, in the series Letter to the Melbournians.


  • All technology, including the way we live (structures as well as rituals), embody certain values. We can learn to perceive what they are, and, we can change these technologies and rituals to be God-honouring through an array of strategies (Embodying our values in our technology)
  • Be present-day focussed, ready to serve those around you now (not off in a digital world); connect with people locally; be prayerful and focus on listening to God, not social media (I no longer look to my phone)


  • Salvation is not obtained by a one-liner, like a boy trying to win a girl, but rather by a surrender and authentic (non-formulaic) crying out to God until the point that God gives that person peace. There should be initial signs of the Spirit such as the fruit of the Spirit, a charismatic gift (not necessarily speaking in tongues), conviction, or other sign. There is no second stage like a baptism, though there are seasons of growth and fresh fillings of the Spirit. (Unpacking Romans 7 and different models of salvation in Becoming Christian Part 1: The One-Stage and Two-Stage approaches to salvation: Conservative and Pentecostal)


  • There is no general rule to not criticise leadership, the closest being to not get in the way of God's plans. When we do need to criticise, we also need a lot of wisdom, grace, and an ability to leave vengeance to God. Of course, nobody will listen to you if you judge hypocritically. (Unpacking Numbers 12, 1 Chronicles 16, Deuteronomy 32:35 & Matthew 5:38-48, and Matthew 7:1 in series "Criticising Leaders" - see Criticising Leaders 6: 10 Commandments of criticism)


  • Some issues like preference of biblical translation are important, but we can still be united when we realise that God is big enough to deal with our errors, and that we could wait and see the fruit, or simply hold them out for testing even while we still encourage people to make up their own minds (Romans 14). Maintaining unity when some are King James Only (or ESV only)
  • Wise people don't fall for lies, using such techniques as getting a second opinion (Proverbs 18:17), looking at the fruit of the teacher (Matthew 7:15-20), grounding it in the Word of God (Acts 17:10-12), learning more about the topic, realising the interconnectedness of revelation and interpretation, questioning the opposite, understanding the Dunning-Kruger effect, being in a 5-fold ministry church, and knowing whether you are a thinker or a feeler and the implications of that. How can we protect ourselves against believing a lie?