A vision for the rebuilding of church & culture

A vision for the rebuilding of church & culture

The time for holding to what's left of Christianity in the West has gone, and the time for recreating our families, the church, our culture and cities is now. What follows is a vision we can rally around to renew our local communities. The shofar is a reminder to return to the King of kings: His will and His ways.


“We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.”

– Marshall McLuhan –


It's well known the way Western Evangelicals do church needs an overhaul: we look back to Scripture to find what Christ's Body could look like today.

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Charismatic Gifts

Charismatic gifts are widely misrepresented, abused, and neglected. We look back to find a balanced, humble, but strong way forward.

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Technology is not neutral: they are extensions of our values. Use it for good, and don't let it use you for bad.

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Many of the methods we use in evangelism today are based on tradition. We look to Scripture to recalibrate this vital area.

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God's Word is the foundation for a flourishing life, and the beginning of wisdom. From there we can understand people and life.

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How we grow as Christians has an intellectual component and yet the Spirit guides, teaches, and convicts us. How do we get the balance right?

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Latest Insights

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Ben Fitzgerald's sermon I enjoyed listening to Ben Fitzgerald speaking recently. He is well aware of...