About Us

Some of our core beliefs

We're for a godly culture

It is said 'politics is downstream of culture', meaning that politics follows culture. In Jesus' language, we are the light of the world, and a city on a hill: it is attractive and desirable, and from that loving culture, eventually a better political order will come. The end goal is always pleasing Jesus, part of which will be creating a godly culture, and part of which will be standing up for a better society in politics.

“The number one advice I give to my students is to be a culture creator, not a culture consumer. You have to have time to create, and to create, you have to get rid of those things that steal your time. TV is the great time-stealer in American life.”

– Rod Dreher, Crunchy Cons –

We're for a 7-day-a-week church

We've all heard 'the church is the people not the building', but how many of us actually live that? If we centre our church experience around a Sunday morning service, are we not associating church with the building? Instead, if we centred our church experience around the people, we could create real community, experience the interdependence of the Body, and have much richer lives.

“We need to stop giving people excuses not to believe in God. You've probably heard the expression 'I believe in God, just not organized religion'. I don't think people would say that if the church truly lived like we are called to live.”

– Francis Chan, Crazy Love –

“A day is coming when four songs, a sermon, and an offering simply will not work anymore. Perhaps this model has been functional for a season, but in an hour of deep darkness, we need to be a people who carry the light of the Kingdom. This will only happen as Christians live revival lifestyles.”

– Michael Brown, The Fire that Never Sleeps –

We're for sensible expression of charismatic gifts

Conservative churches need to realise that the bad news about charismatic gifts is much like how the media treat any topic: with much exaggeration, blinkers, and framing. However, Pentecostal churches need to mature like some have and realise God's blessings can't be demanded, nor is the complete kingdom coming before its due time. The balance requires careful wisdom that will take an undivided Body to navigate.

“The cross is not some addition to our lives; it demands our complete redefinition. Our pursuits and passions become aligned with Heaven’s. Our focus is no longer selfish and self-seeking; it becomes thoroughly God-centric. In many places today, the cross is not a call to die to our old sinful nature, but rather an all-access pass to do our thing and be infinitely blessed. After all, everything was taken care of on the cross. To believe such a statement proves that we have little grasp of the weight and glory of the true cross.”

– Dr Michael Brown, The Fire that Never Sleeps –

We're for wise use of technology

Technology is not neutral, though we can curb its use to be more good or more evil. Furthermore, just because you have a hammer (or any technology), does not mean it can solve the issue in front of you. 'The right tool for the right job' is a saying of the experienced tradesman - and it rings true for the digital age too.

“The medium is the message”

Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media